Jan 09, 2014

2013 in Review from inMotion

Another year’s come to close, and what a year it’s been! 2013 has been a year of upward change in many sectors of the real estate world, and everything seems set to continue into a prosperous 2014.

Here at inMotion, we’ve enjoyed our fair share of action over the past year. Let’s take a look at the top five inMotion headlines in 2013.

1. Mobile use in CRE drastically increases by 61%
The research we published in January (in user-friendly infographic form) demonstrated what we all already suspect to be true: these days, it’s impossible to get anywhere on the web unless you site is mobile-friendly. This is a trend that we can only expect to continue spiralling upwards: mobile use is predicted to keep on rising almost exponentially in 2014. The most common mobile device for CRE website users within our sample was the iPhone.

2. Unique research into typical bounce rates for real estate websites is released
Your bounce rate – the percentage of visitors who leave as soon as they’ve landed on your site – is a vital statistic for finding out how your real estate website is faring. For the first time ever, our research allows you to measure up your bounce rate to the rest of the CRE sector as a litmus test of how successful you are at engaging the users who are drawn to your webpage.

3. Interactive website for Riverview Square wins the “Standard of Excellence” award
In September, our interactive website for Riverview Square – one of the jewels in the inMotion crown – won the “Real Estate Standard of Excellence” in the Web Marketing Association’s WebAwards. The website, designed for CBRE New England, was also nominated by Awwwards for excellence in design.

4. Top real estate marketing ideas for 2014 are revealed
To round off the year, in December we released a list of our top marketing ideas for 2014 – both online and offline – so you have no excuse for not starting the year off with a strong web presence!

5. Throughout 2013 – New projects added to portfolio
Throughout the year, we’ve been tirelessly working to add new projects to our portfolio, with the same degree of professionalism, innovation and passion for our work we always give. From transporting real estate investment firm Ralston Real Estate to sunnier visual climes, to a complete online marketing campaign for hot property Greylyn Park, we’ve been lending a hand to companies from all over the CRE sector. Could you be next?

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